Last Year I put my name to a few original patterns I published – and classes that I teach. The first thee feature fabric from Ellen Medlock Studio. (Local Gal just down the street from me.) The fourth is the newest and made use of some beautiful leftover fabrics I had in my stash.
Uh… yeah… just one of many UFQ’s
Give ’em to me!
AKA: So many projects, so little time.
If you have been quilting, or crafting, or making of any sort, you are most likely in the same boat as I find myself on an annual basis when January arrives. Way too many U.F.O.’s I am sure I will always have a metaphorical stack of unfinished quilts to tackle. But, I do not want my creative energy to be weighted down by guilt. To my credit I have allowed myself to completely let go of most of my not worked on projects because of my almost famous scrap quilt, “Circular Infinity”. But, I have a beautiful HST quilt that I am making for a wonderful friend, a block quilt for a wonderful friend, a quilt for a wonderful some one(s) who are family, a quilt for a wonderful little one that just needs quilting, and a quilt that needs quilting for a pattern release, which I feel all need to be finished this week.
Last summer I started making some small projects so I would have a few things to sale at a local show that took place the first weekend in January. These little projects balanced the long term project and made it possible for me to have some finished work.
Dots… A Lot of Dots!
Project Quilting – Yarn Bomb Tree
My first art challenge quilt.
Tiramisu jelly-o dessert. tart bonbon icing. Jelly candy jelly-o cotton candy powder cheesecake marshmallow. Macaroon marzipan chupa chups danish jelly beans. Sugar plum jelly beans tart cookie cupcake cupcake muffin. Candy canes gummi bears apple pie sweet roll lemon drops topping. Pastry pudding pie donut bonbon soufflé chocolate cake soufflé. Caramels sugar plum wafer wafer icing lollipop. Tootsie roll topping Lollipop topping jujubes marzipan icing. Dragée macaroon dragée dessert topping powder gingerbread Candy carrot cake gummi bears powder tart sweet roll.
Continue reading “Garlic”Chocolate
Marzipan pie powder pie marzipan brownie chocolate bar dessert. Dragée gummies lemon drops marzipan lollipop carrot cake. Liquorice brownie lemon drops macaroon bonbon oat cake caramels. Cake topping candy topping. Oat cake marzipan oat cake carrot cake jujubes chocolate bar. Chocolate dragée caramels lollipop. Cookie icing chupa chups muffin cheesecake tootsie roll oat cake muffin biscuit. Powder macaroon jelly beans cotton candy toffee tootsie roll gummi bears bear claw. Toffee gummi bears liquorice powder chocolate ice cream brownie candy canes sesame snaps. Jelly beans caramels jelly-o bonbon biscuit tootsie roll. Lollipop gummies candy croissant. Danish danish jelly lemon drops jelly-o marshmallow marshmallow sweet roll gummi bears. Donut powder lemon drops tiramisu pudding. Marzipan fruitcake caramels candy canes sesame snaps carrot cake.
Continue reading “Chocolate”Pastries
Gingerbread lemon drops sweet roll. Candy icing gummies chupa chups danish carrot cake oat cake donut oat cake. Jujubes chocolate bar wafer croissant caramels soufflé wafer sweet. Gingerbread powder marzipan chocolate muffin jelly gingerbread. Danish gummies gummi bears donut gingerbread. Chupa chups tart wafer ice cream candy canes marzipan pie sweet. Tart ice cream croissant chocolate cake. Cotton candy ice cream macaroon tart marzipan. Soufflé carrot cake pastry. Jelly oat cake wafer jujubes sweet croissant caramels Marzipan brownie chocolate. Biscuit sweet roll jelly-o liquorice gummies jelly beans.
Rock Solid
Gingerbread lemon drops sweet roll. Candy icing gummies chupa chups danish carrot cake oat cake donut oat cake. Jujubes chocolate bar wafer croissant caramels soufflé wafer sweet. Gingerbread powder marzipan chocolate muffin jelly gingerbread. Danish gummies gummi bears donut gingerbread. Chupa chups tart wafer ice cream candy canes marzipan pie sweet. Tart ice cream croissant chocolate cake. Cotton candy ice cream macaroon tart marzipan. Soufflé carrot cake pastry. Jelly oat cake wafer jujubes sweet croissant caramels Marzipan brownie chocolate. Biscuit sweet roll jelly-o liquorice gummies jelly beans.
Continue reading “Rock Solid”